Tuesday 19 December 2017

Festive Fling

Christmas time, miselto and wine and lager and bitter and all the shorts you can drink plus soft drinks at the fantastic duchess theatre. It's Cranberries Christmas Cracker Cavalcade folks this Friday 22nd December from 8pm. Dancing and singing and Xmas presents in abundance. A truly vintage Christmas Spectacular. Not sure of what we play... Well take a sneak peak at just a few of the numbers you can dance or listen to. It's only a fiver to get in and you even get a mince pie. Forget stuffing the three bird roast. Forget wrapping those poundland presents. Take some time to yourself and enjoy live music at its best. It isn't Chrimbo without a taste of Cranberry

Tuesday 13 June 2017


Another day and another funeral of a person who went before his alloted three score and ten. So many these days. I look in it, on how many extra Xmas's I have had, compared to these poor souls. I don't know why, but it puts it into perspective.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Clean feet

Not posted for a while as it's been manic. Went to a funeral that was only a mile away from the sea. It's an unwritten law that you have to paddle...no matter how your dressed. So I did. I love the sea... But it was a sad day.

Thursday 25 May 2017


What's the best colour clothing to wear in 26 degree heat. A white t shirt and shorts maybe? A summery floral dress perhaps... not me... Well only weekends, when I call myself daphne... But no, I am in  black trousers black waistcoat and black jacket . I won't mention my pants.  I felt sorry for the horses today, but luckily it was a short journey. Another disadvantage of being bald... The sweat runs straight down your back... I am moist.

Sunday 21 May 2017


I have read many books about Everest. I don't know why? I have no desire to climb it. Its just that I love reading about other peoples courage in facing massive challenges. So many climbers have died trying to reach the top....as in life I suppose. But now...the challenge is even more dangerous. The last obstacle...the Hillary step, has collapsed. 39 feet of solid rock and ice....gone. New routes will have to be found...the sherpas taking on the dangers of finding a new climbable path. Is it worth it ? To some yes. Man...and woman have always strived to break records or be the first. That's what adventure is all about.

Saturday 20 May 2017


Ex smokers are the worst to judge today's smoker. I was on 40 a day in the army. But I ran every day. Then I jumped out of a plane and couldn't run anymore....so I packed in. Fast forward to today....and in a bid to stop people ruining their health...they are going to make all fag packets green???? With stearn warnings emblazoned across the front. Well firstly...I thought green represented clean...and thirdly....aren't ciggies kept behind shutters in shops these days? so you can't even see them anyway?? Here is my advice...make a packet of 20 .....£20...a pound a coffin nail?  But no...the government want to warn you...but not so much, that the revenue is cut. Health and Safety at its finest. 

Friday 19 May 2017


Had a writers block over the last few days. The weather has not helped...nor the lack of exercise. Trying to put it right today with a walk into the city. Just perking up, when I received a phone call, that another musician had passed away. Harold Kyte was one of the founders of the Kyte Hopkins big band. This later went on to become the stapleford big band and finally the Risley big band. I joined his first band at a mere 15 years old. I then went on to join the army and then rejoined the Stapleford big band 18 years later. Harold was at the helm throughout...until illness took over. A fine jazz player and well respected by all musicians. Rest easy my friend x