Thursday 19 January 2017

Fine specimen

Apart from remains of a cold, an achy ankle, a painful shoulder and a dodgy wrist. I am still breathing...After a recent trip to local museum, I was glad they were not stock taking!. I try to keep as fit as I can by walking and cycling. Now walking hurts as an old parachute injury starts to deteriorate. The cycling still dangerous with rogue dogs and pensioners throwing themselves in front of your wheels. So maybe it's time to resort to my home gym. I have a running machine. A stepper machine. A rowing machine. An exercise bike and a weights bench! In fact, I am amazed my ceiling has not collapsed under all the weight. A friend of mine says, that exercise uses up all your designated heart beats. Maybe she is right? May be it's time to sink into pot bellied oblivion. I know many that have...way younger than me. But the exercise bug is powerful..and the guilt when being sedentary...worse. So on with the lycra.

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