Friday 13 January 2017

Ice say Ice say Ice say

A day I have been dreading...snow and ice. Wouldn't normally bother me...but since the accident , real scared of slipping and breaking wrist again. On top of that, I have come down with the dreaded throat, everyone at work had over Xmas. Sliding out of bed into a cold room this morning, I felt like death warmed up. Stayed confined to limo...and put partition up...ensuring no one else could get it. I was aware that there was a steep hill to negotiate.walking , plus being Friday the 13th....I had contingency plan. Snow shoes. It was also supposed to be family bearers, but due to ice and health and safety issues, we carried. All was going well, until one of my snow shoes fell off mid carry! This made me 1 inch shorter on my left I looked like hop along I walked down the aisle? Most embarrassing....but story of my life. It must be cold though... sniffing out a cafe near the church...I bumped into these 2 chaps....good job I carry dog biscuits around with me, as instant friends...although people wonder if my after shave is eu da la chum.?

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