Sunday 29 January 2017

Harmonic minor

Figured, that after the accident, that my work rate would drop off? It's not. In fact, I have never been so busy. This has reflected in no time to exercise...and consequently, the weight has crept up on me. When your talking scales say ' only one person at a time please ' you just know that you have to do something about it. So for the first time since my cold, I dragged myself onto my bike. The training gap had obviously made me struggle. But looking at my sports app.. I was quicker? My big downfall is snacking before bed. In from a gig.. a drink...and a couple of peanuts.. that turn into a bag!!!. That all stops now. I even cut my nails and went to a zero in my haircut....and lower myself gently onto the scales. You can't fool technology though. I am over weight and only one person can help...and it ain't San Miguel..sob

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