Saturday 6 May 2017


I have never been great at DIY. A 2 minute job can turn into 3 days and a visit to A and E. I blame my dad. He won't throw anything away. If it breaks, then he will bodge it. As per this Hoover I saw him using today. Talk about reconditioned! This should be condemned. But in his words ' it sucks really well' So following in my father's footsteps, I went to do a small job last night. All it involved was removing a screw and replacing a bulb in a security light that hasn't been used for years. 20 minutes and 2 screw drivers later, I managed to remove the rusted screw, with the help of 4 gallons of WD40. Old bulb fell to pieces in my hand....New one replaced. Screw back in. Switch on......then 140 houses in the area have a power cut. I kid you not....power was off for 3 hours as the men worked on the national grid to restore normality. Coincidence? I dare not switch the light on again.....Just in case !!!!

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