Friday 5 May 2017


Its 26 months now since I had the hit and run accident. After one solicitor departed the company , my case was set back further. However the new girl has taken the case on and I finally had a settlement offer yesterday. I have never had a figure in mind. What price can you put on loss of earnings, possible loss of job...and more scarily....not being able to ever play again. I have always been embarrassed about money. In the past, when I have played for bands...and they much do we owe you...I blush and say nothing. I don't these days...I much do you normally pay?  So when I saw the settlement figure from insurance people...I did what my solicitor and dear friends advised....rejected it. It was an amount that made all the pain and suffering...a joke !@@Not sure what happens next..but I have to consider my future...or lack of it. Life without music would be unbearably hard. I can only hope, that the exercises I am doing, will delay the process.

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