Tuesday 9 May 2017

Lost causes

I have now had the final reports from the psychiatrists and orthopedic surgeon. Whilst the latter has filled me full of dread for the long term future, the mental health report has angered me beyond words. The first report was sent back as I queried some items. 1 was amended. My whole case was worked out by the shrink using text books and references. There is no human element to help with mental illness anymore. Read a few books and you become and expert on the subject. Just one of these so called experts need a day...just one day living in my shoes or anyone suffering mental illness.Apparently it won't affect any job I go into in the future. Even though the surgeon reports my wrist is gradually fusing together causing long term problems physically and mentally. To challenge the report would cost me nearly a 1000 pounds with no certainty of success. Talking to a guy today...he got nearly the same as I was offered for a whiplash injury. Only he didn't have an injury.. told them honestly...but they still paid out. I am saddened beyond hope and driven to despair.

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