Saturday 4 June 2016


I have always had this theory, that most people live in a bubble. They only look one  way. They don't look up. They don't look down. Just see what they had to see. I had a chat with an ' In' campaigner today. It was apparent within two minutes that his opinion was selfish. When i mentioned the two world wars that millions died in...he shocked me...saying he was ex army. That actually sickened me. I was polite. Wished him good look ...and walked away. He admitted he had not done all of his home work, had no answers to the civil liberties immigration and economic guess work... What made it worse, was an old lady very well spoken , walked past, saying...well done chaps. She no doubt has property abroad. Sad. Coffee . p.s. .look up in derby and see the lamp. Look down and see the tribute to a brave policeman. Farewell Great Britain. RIP.

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