Tuesday 14 June 2016


Had awful dreams last night. My nightmares are always based on two subjects. The army and the awful place i used to work. Strangely i was bullied in both occupations to various degrees. Someone explained to me, it was because i was popular..and weak unloved bullies hate that. Well although scarred for life, i am stronger now....and the bullies are still unloved. When i think back on their family lives...its understandable... One turned to other women behind his wife's back...the other...well...they didn't have the courage to question the unhappy relationship they were in. So both took it out on others... One through guilt the other to feel powerful. Man management is a difficult process. Both of these people made out they were management material...both were sadly defficent ...Its a sad world we live in. But its true...what doesn't kill us, does indeed make us stronger. Coffee.

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