Thursday 9 June 2016


I have had quite alot of free time in last few weeks. Lots of cycling and thinking and people watching. I am seriously aware of the amount of people in Derby suffering from mental health problems. The picture i post today is one of ten plates on a waterfall ( which now is just an eye sore as council cant afford to put water through it) depicting different faces. The QR code is no longer valid.. So can't tell you much about them. I did however observe a young woman talking to one in particular face and kissing it. I had to ask why.. It would seem she appreciated someone talking to her. Her name was Elaina... And despite having obvious problems... She was polite and courteous.  She told me that the one she was kissing was spiritual and would listen to her. I spoke with her for a few minutes...she asked my name and we both thanked each other for sparing the time. She deserved a hug and i am convinced if Obama went into North Korea and hugged that Kim yung Chung chap...all be well. Especially if coffee after ?

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