Monday 27 June 2016

Golden Fleece

I look at other peoples lives and they all seem straight forward. Mine...well most of you know mine is the biggest roller coaster ride in the world. I saw a film when i was younger.  Jason and the Argonauts. It made an impact on me for one reason only. How the gods moved lives round like a game of chess for their own entertainment. I think we are all searching for our own ' Golden Fleece' in life. Be it money,security,happiness or love. But the journey to find it is thwarted by other peoples moves. A big game and not always in our control. Just once i would like it to end in a draw. I don't need to win. Just be as one. Oh and by the way. On bike ride here, i swallowed a fly ( I don't know why)It is now firmly lodged in back of my throat causing patrons in my coffee emporium to move to other tables , thinking i have the lurgy. Damn thing has taken up residence on my clacker valve...hmm death by coffee me thinks

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