Thursday 30 June 2016

In an upper tone

Looking forward to having a blow with the Ambassadors tonight. No idea what sort of music i will be required to play on Trombone..but that's what makes this musical adventure so exciting . This weekend i am playing at a fete. I have to transpose every piece we play on the hoof. Then Sunday an intimate 8 piece gig at the Royal Oak. Music was my first love....

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Land fill

I hate wastage. There is more packaging than items these days . I am still seeing Vote Out placards all over the place. Sturdy well made signs...shame to waste. So here is my suggestion. Just add an 'I' and  a 'D' so you can still display for two more years? Ok you might get a brick or two through your windows...but we were brave enough to stand by our principles... So why not now ? Oh the photo. Well i love #Bargain Hunt , but thought this was a rather unfortunate camera shot !!! Sorry...just my corrupted mind....x

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Win somme lose somme

For years, a vivid movie of soldiers going over the top at the Somme, literally haunted me. It was the one soldier, who never even made it across the top..but slumps back dead into the trench. Instantly gone. Or so i thought!! A fellow trombone player told me tonight , that it was all fake and a propaganda film probably shot on location in wales using actors?? All these years duped with clever images? What will be telling me George Gershwin was not married to his lovely wife Ira ????


The decision as to if we played this Sunday, was down to 11 men on a football field. Even though the other team were playing with ice skates , England lost and music won...that's if i can get a band together. My landline rang this morning..a mobile number....for the last twenty minutes i have been listening to someone do their shopping in asda??? They are going to have a massive bill if not unlimited minutes. Tried putting phone down...but it rings back....just hope they don't go for a poo cos i am sensitive.

Monday 27 June 2016

Golden Fleece

I look at other peoples lives and they all seem straight forward. Mine...well most of you know mine is the biggest roller coaster ride in the world. I saw a film when i was younger.  Jason and the Argonauts. It made an impact on me for one reason only. How the gods moved lives round like a game of chess for their own entertainment. I think we are all searching for our own ' Golden Fleece' in life. Be it money,security,happiness or love. But the journey to find it is thwarted by other peoples moves. A big game and not always in our control. Just once i would like it to end in a draw. I don't need to win. Just be as one. Oh and by the way. On bike ride here, i swallowed a fly ( I don't know why)It is now firmly lodged in back of my throat causing patrons in my coffee emporium to move to other tables , thinking i have the lurgy. Damn thing has taken up residence on my clacker valve...hmm death by coffee me thinks

Sunday 26 June 2016


Oh my ..what a roller coaster ride of emotion this weekend. Send an 8 piece band out and we play to adults children chickens and rabbits and had a whale of a time!. Send the massive 17 piece out and we play to 13....?. A couple of things that have happened today that have saddened me..but the show has to go on. Tonight we played for free...but one lady...said ..i am not complaining... But..and i took the flak. Jeeeez..How do you, please the upturned shiny faces that need entertaining ???

Saturday 25 June 2016


The four photos below will make sense , i promise. Read on.
Through my life, I have played with many types of Bands. Orchestras, shows, oompah bands, pop , salvation army ( in a play) swing bands...and brass bands. Each have their own idiosyncratic ways.. But brass bands always win , when it comes to giving value for money and sheer determination to play on...even if no one listening. So the pictures the organiser logic for most brass bands.
1. Wait until band has set up in the most loneliest of locations.. Wait until they have played a number...then move them.
2. Advertise two bands...which in reality is only one...but move them around.
3. Realise that actually an audience is important .

So study the photos and make your own mind up if i am right or wrong.

Big Brother

You just know , that when you get a new gadget and the instructions say ,simple to set up..that it means, you need to have the mind of a nuclear scientist and the patience of Stephen Hawkins. A simple CCTV camera that works through your wi fi straight to your go...yeah bloody right. Looking at the thousands of complaints on the net...not the case. I managed to connect it for two minutes before it sent my router into an epileptic fit...i grabbed a screen shot thinking ooooh done it...but no.  After two mins the router resets...and while the camera on...the router aint playing. So i think i will just buy a chair and sit at the window with a small blue flashing light on my.!!!!!....your decision. Coffee.

Friday 24 June 2016


Common sense has prevailed. Thank you Great Britain... My pride is returning .

Thursday 23 June 2016

Working lunch

Despite what you might think, there are some perks to being an undertaker. Small things mean such a lot. A thank you and a hug is always lifting to the soul. But the most important a cafe outside the church where service taking place. Was looking forward to today , as i knew there was a salvation army watering hole, right across from the catholic church. Service started at 11...i asked father how long the service would be...he said 45 mins. So me and other driver went and ordered bacon butties and coffee. Just biting into bap...and one of our colleagues, ran across red faced...shouting...he's finished!!! 11.15??? What a waste of food and a journey into.the wonderful world of indigestion. The picture is of a stately home, where we recently conducted a service. Every day is an adventure. I have just voted... Out...out...out...lets hope common sense prevails.

Wednesday 22 June 2016


Life as an undertaker, is difficult. So many things we hear and see that are upsetting.  Death is no respecter of age , character, sex or creed. Its always harder when a young person who leaves a family behind, is concerned. The main criteria of working in the Funeral industry a sense of humour and being able to detach from the situation and most importantly keep talking to each today has once again proven to me ..enjoy every second. I know next doors neighbours cats are... With their own shower mwaaaah

Monday 20 June 2016

Best laid plans.
Sorry about language. The first test soaked me !!!


Three gigs this weekend. It was lovely to see the thousands turn out to celebrate the queens birthday.  Ok 4 ..but i have good imagination.. I did notice that the royal oak has a defib machine. But its only switched on when we are playing!!! Did a straw poll of in and out vote with audience and band last night. I really do have the ability to guess who is voting what. Luckily it was 85% out...but i still fear some sort of fix. I have just looked at my exercise app. Already this month i have walked and biked 90+ miles. No wonder i am knackered. Coffee?

Sunday 19 June 2016

In memory?

Whilst the shooting of a young mp was horrendous and needless, i wondered how long it would take the IN brigade to use it as a political leverage. Not long it would seem. They dare not come right out and say it...but are using the rhetoric of ' honour her memory of what she stood for'   fact is...some of the pink fluffy brigade will indeed change their votes. The sort of people that lay flowers at the location she was killed...but didn't actually know her. To that i say....please go and lay flowers at every soldiers grave. You didnt know them...but they died protecting and keeping our country safe from outside rule. If the person who carried out this atrocity of shooting a young mum...was of a different race or religion.... Hmm mm what would you all think then. This is one of the most important decisions of our thing we will be handing back the Falklands....please....please don't be brain washed. X

Saturday 18 June 2016


Have you ever sat down to appreciate the peace and quiet of life? Well don't come and live in my street. One house has now turned into the pit stop of Monaco grand Prix. Young lads with exhausts louder than the trumpet section of the Halle Orchestra. A jet wash that sounds like a Boeing 747 warming up. 0 to 40 in 3 seconds down our 500 yard close. Hours spent tweaking the engines and body work...missing the point, that there is a life out there..and they are wasting it, by sitting in MacDonalds car park, trying to pull .... Theory is...big noisy exhaust... Small tiny......fill that in yourself . Am i getting old? Maybe. But the rest of neighbours are going mad. But, true British..dare not upset the family. To be fair they are polite and lovely...but the word 'consideration' is not in their vocabulary. If i had just got out the army , i would have been straight across ...i was ill and needed peace. I still need peace...but now look on with mild their life passes them by.   At some point though, and with neighbours blessing...i am going to play trombone outside their house while they are trying to relax. A few nights of that should be fun. Mwaaaah

Friday 17 June 2016

More cards than moon pig

Well tomorrow is a two gig day. In the afternoon i will be fronting the world famous 8 to the bar ( well we are very big in Latvia) for another queens birthday celebration... A quick change , then off to play with the might Tony Farell big band. I consider myself unshockable!! But yesterday shooting of the mp got to me a bit. A married woman with children who , when she got out of bed, never knew it would be the last time she would lay next to her husband again. I now try and live every day as though it was my last, because one day it will be. I wish i could be happier and my coast into senility could be easier...but that's my ride through life...roller coaster. I am now on decaff coffee as getting palpitations... Actually its quiet nice. X

Thursday 16 June 2016

We will remember them

Only a week to go until the most important vote of my life time. From the start I have always known I would vote out , despite the scare mongering of Armageddon awaiting us. But I will say this. This is my opinion and no one else's. Those that vote In ,then go onto wear a poppy with pride in November... Are hypocrites. Sorry.

Wednesday 15 June 2016


Bad day. My fault. But was multi tasking. No excuses . #ashamed

Tuesday 14 June 2016


I am never failed to be amazed with peoples lack of hygiene. Especially when using public toilets. Ones or twos, the amount of blokes who don't wash hands after is disgusting. took short in town...the public loos in the market are not ideal, but needs must. Only two toilets had no toilet paper ..the other a massive hole in door. Bunging the hole up... With end of my brolly...i heard the door with no paper open. The bloke...said loudly..No f-&::--;;- paper... But proceeded to do the business anyway. I did not hang around to see if he washed hands..but hope i don't have to open a door after him...gross


Had awful dreams last night. My nightmares are always based on two subjects. The army and the awful place i used to work. Strangely i was bullied in both occupations to various degrees. Someone explained to me, it was because i was popular..and weak unloved bullies hate that. Well although scarred for life, i am stronger now....and the bullies are still unloved. When i think back on their family lives...its understandable... One turned to other women behind his wife's back...the other...well...they didn't have the courage to question the unhappy relationship they were in. So both took it out on others... One through guilt the other to feel powerful. Man management is a difficult process. Both of these people made out they were management material...both were sadly defficent ...Its a sad world we live in. But its true...what doesn't kill us, does indeed make us stronger. Coffee.

Monday 13 June 2016


Ok...not an action photo...a few seconds in the score ,to contemplate life....i have so much on my mind at the moment. Its amazing how much you can do in 16 bars rest. I seem to have so many internal battles raging inside at this time. I look around at folk in the coffee emporium... And everyone seems not to have a care in the world. I am sure if i could read their thoughts...they would have as many problems. Thing is, with problems, i have always worked on the theory, that if you have to ask someone what they think about your problem, then you already know the answer. Coffee.

Sunday 12 June 2016

What a tweet

Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando - mass casualties -

So...its come to this? Instead of raising alarm verbally ..lets use social network. First thing i am going to do while being shot read my Facebook page? Wtf!!! Not that i do FB since the cartoon incident..but as soon as the person who complained speaks to me...i will remain a fb outcast . x


My favourite Sunday breakfast. Cost. £2.50!!! Awesome.

Soggy moggy

I have been trying to get an outside tap fitted to my property , to install my new, stop the cats dumping on my garden,device. Until i can get it fitted..i have come up with a cunning plan. I ordered an extra long washing machine hose, of which i will connect to the inside washer hose....then put the hose through kitchen window....connect....and hey presto....ok its a plan in progress...and leaving the window open may attract cat burglars!!! But it has to be fact...i may set it, that every time the cat owners come into their poo free garden...that they get soaked. This is tom and jerry stuff. Coffee.

Saturday 11 June 2016


Lovely evening playing at a street party with the mighty Tony Farrell band. Britain at its best , celebrating the Queens Birthday. Complete with fireworks and hog roast. Perfect atmosphere... The unusual thing was three transvestites in the audience...who enjoyed every note. They fascinated me and i admire their courage to be what they want to be...although the one with the beard looked slightly un comfy. In the break i went back to my car...spotted something shiny in back wheel...a screw....arghh. Took a chance and removed hiss....relief... As long drive home. God bless her x


. I have 2 tickets for the Euro 2016 final ¬but just realised it is on the same day as my wedding, so I can’t go.  If you are interested and want to go instead of me

It’s at the St. Andrew’s Church in Brighton and the girl’s name is Sarah

Farewell to charms

My dads partner died a few months ago. Always difficult to get rid of someone's possessions, but she was a compulsive hoarder and shopper. Just put over fifty pieces of costume jewellery on a well known buying site. Also went to have 4 items to be valued. Despite them looking like pearls...they were fake. So off to auction with the silver bits. The jeweller was more fascinated with me being an undertaker!! But always happy to answer any questions. I have a gig in the outskirts of Nottingham tonight. I have new sat hoping i wont have to throw this one out of the last one. Coffee?

Friday 10 June 2016


I found something very scary tonight. I have been watching documentary's on my Xbox. Using You Tube..i found some mysterious things . When i googled knew the next programme i had watched...within the first letter of search...every time ? I really do think we need to be afraid.....I do truly believe.. That all, is not how it seems. Be afraid....

Ma'am as in jam.

Well have to wish her maj  a very happy birthday. During military service caught glimpses of most of them. Including princess di. Yes she did have a magical.aura about her...and i still remember that moment. The Queen Mum inspected my boots. And I played at a Royal Funeral.. Of which the mournful bass drumbeat proceeding the cortege sent shivers down my spine. Very proud of Britains Royalty. It may be the only thing we have left.

Thursday 9 June 2016


I have had quite alot of free time in last few weeks. Lots of cycling and thinking and people watching. I am seriously aware of the amount of people in Derby suffering from mental health problems. The picture i post today is one of ten plates on a waterfall ( which now is just an eye sore as council cant afford to put water through it) depicting different faces. The QR code is no longer valid.. So can't tell you much about them. I did however observe a young woman talking to one in particular face and kissing it. I had to ask why.. It would seem she appreciated someone talking to her. Her name was Elaina... And despite having obvious problems... She was polite and courteous.  She told me that the one she was kissing was spiritual and would listen to her. I spoke with her for a few minutes...she asked my name and we both thanked each other for sparing the time. She deserved a hug and i am convinced if Obama went into North Korea and hugged that Kim yung Chung chap...all be well. Especially if coffee after ?

Wednesday 8 June 2016


My little Gecko is now getting tamer. Angel spent 10 minutes last night , trying to hatch my head? She also complained about her bum being hot...not sure why. Sat on the step last night sipping a cold Miguel, after a hot gig. Deep in thought about the competitive nature of some musicians. Vultures sprang to mind..which immediately made me smile. There is professional and shabby....i know which circles i like to play in.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Mystery tour

Have a few days off. Eating out a bit and my favourite eatery always gives a bag of crisps ( fries Felix) The maker of company running a competition. You get a code that generates a letter. Collect the letters...spell a holiday destination...and win. I am searching the maps frantically, trying to find a exotic destination called BINKY..? Had to cancel a band gig yesterday. We were mis advertised. No deposit paid and the adverts were minimal ,causing low ticket sales. It annoys me as they could have made lots of money...but it was down to the usual thing. ..apathy. Had a drive into the country today. Went into an antique shop...but kept moving , as they were stock taking. I am sure my musician friends will understand why i was reminded of James Stewart. Also inspired to take a photo to remind me of a happy day. Plus loads of coffee.

Monday 6 June 2016

Testing Testing 1 2

I am having a pants day today... So many complicated problems to try and solve. I have never had a 'normal' life... I can handle most things...but separately preferably. But no. You wait for one problem...but like busses.... More turn up at once. Most of these I can solve and take the flak that is going to follow... But some leave me doubting myself. On a lighter note...i would dearly love to watch this show. But Tommy Steele as Glenn Miller?? Firstly i thought he was dead... Secondly where does Little White Bull feature ..between Tuxedo and Chatannooga i suppose. Copious amounts of coffee required . Have a good day my one reader. X

Sunday 5 June 2016

Say cheese

Maybe this will catch on?

Taken from life: The unsettling art of death photography -


Multi tasking tonight . Bass,Bone and Bond...loving it.


Nice little gig with 8 to the bar last night. Although i was the only one that found my opening joke hilarious. The chap was 90 and i announced to the audience that he shared the same age as a person who has ruled over me in life...the mother in law...ok so i found it funny. I now have a battle with organisers of our next gig. No deposit real advertising..and what was published is not how we are performing? BNAG...that's bang out of order... I played a gig last week next to a girl.singing Bermuda Triangle.... See

Saturday 4 June 2016


I have always had this theory, that most people live in a bubble. They only look one  way. They don't look up. They don't look down. Just see what they had to see. I had a chat with an ' In' campaigner today. It was apparent within two minutes that his opinion was selfish. When i mentioned the two world wars that millions died in...he shocked me...saying he was ex army. That actually sickened me. I was polite. Wished him good look ...and walked away. He admitted he had not done all of his home work, had no answers to the civil liberties immigration and economic guess work... What made it worse, was an old lady very well spoken , walked past, saying...well done chaps. She no doubt has property abroad. Sad. Coffee . p.s. .look up in derby and see the lamp. Look down and see the tribute to a brave policeman. Farewell Great Britain. RIP.

Friday 3 June 2016


And your a what!!!!

Single handed jazz

The importance of a one-handed saxophone -

Well there is a one armed drummer...but as far as i know one armed trombone players...although a foot could be used....i suppose? Going to try tonight....if i don't return then i put my back out ..

Animal house

No work this week, but most of days taken up with organising deps for some up coming gigs. At one point last night i was working a mobile a PC and a laptop.. Trying to contact musicians and put programme together. Cape Canaveral would have been quieter. My house is quite cosy. Angel running round my sofa. Two socks popping in to say hello and scrounge food. I am now considering adopting another stray cat from out of the area...if you cant beat em..join em. Took a photo of my room. Yes my curtains on fire...but so much cheaper than

Thursday 2 June 2016

True hero

As history in Everest has shown..not many people would have done this . Often the word 'hero' is misused. In this case he was a super  hero

Briton Leslie Binns abandons Everest peak to save fellow climber -


Mother: 'He's dragging my son, I can't watch this' -

Ok did the mother lose concentration long enough for a small boy to climb a wall. Texting...Facebook. We will never know what happened if the poor Gorilla was not shot...if I was holding the rifle...would I have taken that gamble...yes...yes I would ...

Losing my Religion

Well , using a new phone app, I can now monitor how much quality sleep i get at if you folks think you have had a bad night...i have averaged about 15 mins rem sleep for last two decades???

Brexit Breakfast

Human beings in this country are getting more selfish by the day. It would seem that most people want to stay in Europe because of a couple of things. Owning holiday homes abroad... And roving mobile charges !!! Wtf!!!...There are more rich pensioners than poor. Its ironic some lived through two world wars. Its a travesity that those who vote in ,will stand for a minutes silence in November and say. 'We will remember them'
On a lighter note. I just heard from a mate who has applied for a job at a bowling alley. Ten pin, I asked. No full time he replied... Sorry

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Free coffee for life

Why can't I keep my mouth shut. My old mate Ted Webster did me a massive rashly I promised him free coffee for life. He has another good 40 years in him...oh god. Had a wonderful day in Matlock Bath yesterday. A sea side resort not by the sea. Went on the 2p tipping point machine. A little plastic racing car was hanging precariously on the edge. The challenge was set. I won the little car. It only cost me £12...bargain. Coffee.