Saturday 10 December 2016


I have been blogging for numerous years now. In fact, I have 4 books full of my drivel. I like to try and make people smile...but also I like to keep people educated about mental health problems, including my own battles. I hate the word ' mental' it stereotypes 'people into thinking your an axe murderer...waiting your moment to jump off beachy head after committing mass murder? in a million may be like that...but the majority are normal people, struggling with inner thoughts that they can't comprehend or even focus as to what they are or what they mean and where they come from . Christmas is an awful time for some folk. I myself am fighting at this time. But I am getting stronger, as it is usually 8 weeks before Xmas I start to feel the dreaded dogs. What does it feel like. Sadness, inferiority, self doubts, fear, insomnia, lack of appetite and hopeless...all rolled into one magic bundle. I am aware of all the signs now and ride with them. Many can't....many fall. So I am asking you all try and understand if someone you know, is a little quieter than normal, this festive season. Believe me. They are fighting to be happy....fighting not to let you down...fighting to be normal. No sympathy required. Just understand x

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