Thursday, 22 December 2016

We all fall down

I have always been open about my life. I do this to let people gain a better understanding of anxiety and depression. I am 200 times better now, than when I left the Army. But approaching Christmas can make me go a bit wobbly. Because I leap around all year trying to make people smile...doesn't mean, that I am not allowed quiet moments. Even with hints dropped and repeated ' are you ok ' some do not understand , that I am in 'me time'. Those in the Army know my phobia about colds.'s weird that I want to stay well. I rarely get colds...but when I do..they are massive. When people who have a's only a sniffle...doesn't mean, that the next person who gets it...Will be as lucky. I duck and dive...and appreciate life doesn't stop..that you have to work. But there are basic things like, putting your hand over mouth when coughing...or blowing nose and not leaving your snot filled hanky for the waitress to pick up in neroes. ...yep getting a cold is easy...avoiding them and not wanting to be poorly over chrimbo isn't. I certainly would not visit my old dad if I had a cold...and would be reluctant to spread it at parties....but that's me...and I won't change...that's me...that's who I am. But to try and make people nigh on impossible. Mucus Christmas everyone.


  1. Thought of taking a multi vitamin or extra vitamin C to prevent yourself from getting the dreaded lurgy?

    1. lol as a foremost expert on colds. .vit c is good when you have one. Zinc is the best thing to build up resistance...but depending on how fit you are is if you contract one. By Xmas I Am bolloxed :-)
