Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Old comrades

Trying to get over the letter I received yesterday, inferring I am now elderly and in the event of a winter power cut ,eligible for a St Bernard and barrel of brandy to be sent round to my house. But the fact a few years time, I could in theory, move to London and live in the Chelsea Pensioners barracks? Which reminded me of when the 9th/12th royal lancers, put on a concert for the old soldiers at Chelsea barracks. Invited back after the concert by the RSM...a man to be avoided and feared at all the regimental bar for a drink. I spotted a fruit machine in corner...and put my money in ...on one pull...I won the jackpot...result. Only I felt 2 piercing eyes and hot breath at back of my head. Turning to be face to face with the RSM!!!! Now than lad...your not thinking of putting all that money in your pocket...after all these poor pensioners have filled the machine trying to win a bit of extra spending money are you? This was said with a steely glare and something resembling a bull dog hit with a bat look on his face. No sir I stuttered....I was going to buy everyone a drink sir. Correct answer son...Correct answer...and off he marched back to the bar...pointing back saying out loud...the drinks are  on the little trembling corporal in the corner. Irony cost 10 pounds more than I all the pensioners ordered doubles!!! Moral to this story...never mess around with the RSM in the mess...or you end up in a mess.

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