Tuesday 25 April 2017

A wee bite to eat

It's amazing how quick your opinion can change in the shake of a tail!!! Treated myself to lunch today in a pub restaurant. Opted for the hand made fresh turkey cob. I can't give the name of the establishment...but clues are..  hound and small bird that rhymes with fail. Whilst waiting for my moist succulent baguette to arrive, I noticed that the wallpaper was on upside down? My meaty sarnie was served up with a small side salad. Very nice turkey with a hint of something I wasn't sure about. After consuming my own body weight in coffee, I decided to visit the the little boys room before driving home. Only one other person in there...the chef. You can probably guess what happened next. After placing his tackle back in the appropriate place..  he left the khazi....without washing his hands...arghhhhhhh. Will I frequent this health conscious bistro again? Two hopes...bob being one of them. Disgusting...glad I didn't start with pea soup.

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