Wednesday 5 April 2017


Work has dried up drastically. Being in the funeral trade, you just can't hope for work, because that is just wrong. So I went for a drive into the country and stopped at a little quaint tea shop...that sold coffee. It was full of very senior people and I could have dropped some business cards round...and not for the band...but that is even wronger!  Observing my dining colleagues, one chap stood out a mile. He was wearing a syrup...and not a very good one at that. The fascinating thing was, that it was slipping off the back of his head...and none of his dining pals dare mention it. In the army we used to play a tune on trombones as we walked round audience. I have no doubt if this chap was around then, I would have tried to hook it off with my water key!!! It was tempting to go and get my plastic bone and have a go....very tempting.

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