Friday 7 October 2016

2 nights on the trot

So today I was asked, why the long face. Well probably because I had my second pants night sleep on the run. Insomnia sucks big time. If I tell anyone, that I had an awful night, invariably the reply will be...oooh I was asleep before my head hit the pillow...and didn't wake until the alarm went!!!! That's like saying to.a blind man...that you can see perfectly?? Today demanded the utmost concentration as well...Driving behind a horse drawn hearse. Trying to dodge the little steaming roundabouts, they left behind.One funeral today...from leaving the house until return...7 hours? Plus danger. As we started to lower...the grave started to collapse...if we hadn't have moved...we would have joined the deceased..for a game of cards !!! But I wouldn't change it for the world...the job I mean....but for quality sleep...I would give it all.

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