Thursday 20 October 2016


I may have written before, that you have to have a sense of humour to be an undertaker. Particularly when young lives are involved. No we don't laugh and joke on a funeral...of course not. But after, when all is complete, it's vital to lift the mood. Today a 40ish person with heart problem. Next week a teenager with an undiagnosed heart problem. Strange, that next week, I am having a monitor fitted to see why I am getting palpatations? Am I scared? No. I have had an exciting life and fought hard. What will be will be. But..the message must...must...make the most of every waking moment. I have worried about so many pointless things in the past. Looking back...they mean nothing. But we are what we are. I love my job, my music, my friends. All in various degrees. But you have to have love in your life. Not money or possessions....just love.

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