Thursday 27 October 2016


The best gadget I have ever purchased, is my water spray cat scarer. No more cat poo. Downside? My water bill higher as I am on a meter. Is it the cats fault? Nope. They don't come near my homestead anymore. But for the last month, the detector has gone off at 10.30pm every night. It triggers for at least 20 minutes...using the equivalent of about a million gallons of water...ok, slight exaggeration, but it was winding me up, as I couldn't figure out what was causing it? I actually thought that a few residents from the cemetery across the road, were holding a bbq in my garden? Well it is nearly all Hallows. Last night, I found the culprit. Please meet Bert. A rather smelly prickly little fellow, who obviously enjoys a night time shower. I have left a little towel and bar of soap out for him tonight. Boy he pongs.

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