Sunday 27 November 2016

Jelly Fish

I have heard of counterfeit money. Even counterfeit clothing, some of which I unintentionally bought whilst on tour in Cyprus.But counterfeit food!!!!. Last night I treated myself to a Chinese Take away. I love to try new I ordered Crispy Seaweed to compliment my English chicken and chips. Really enjoyed it and immediately felt sorry for the poor little seaweed farmer who had to trawl the beaches to put this tasty treat on my plate...or polystyrene container, as was the case. After the meal, I decided to research what exotic seaside country the ocean vegetable was sourced's bloody cabbage??? Never seen the coast in its life...never wrapped itself round an unsuspecting paddlers ankles? Bloody cabbage. That's like being told...that your lobster thermostat is chicken...your crispy corn beef?? Next they will be telling me, that prawns....what a con.

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