Saturday 19 November 2016


I realised this morning...that I am turning into my dad...but role reversal. I was advising him on things .. that he would have guided me on as a teenager. One was heating over winter. He keeps switching his timer off and wonders why the thermostat throwing a wobbly. But more importantly...leaving his car keys near the door. I told him, that all it a scrote with a metal coat hangar.. and his pride and joy has gone. He then told me the story of married couple. He gets up and leaves the house in the morning. 20 minutes later the wife rises. This particular morning she couldn't find her mobile phone. She rings hubby. It's probably in handbag.....I can't find that either....then you left it in car.  She goes outside... car. Someone had watched their routine...and took advantage of those 20 short minutes. This was last still not found. The only thing I cold callers...I had one last week. It was my Gran asking if I could borrow her a fiver for her electric meter......

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