Sunday 5 March 2017

Breast is best?

SEX. There. Now I have got your attention. It's complicated. Always has been. Men are basic. Females are complicated...and I wouldn't change that for the world. Feminism is more than complicated's a minefield. Harry Potter? Ok where am I going with this, you are thinking? Well. Any male that watched the series of films, knew that Hermione Grainger was going to grow up to be a great actress and a beautiful woman. She did...and she took on the role of fighting for women's be considered equal. Ok, then what does Emma Watson do? She gets her breasts out for a magazine!!! This is where I get confused.....what is the message? Look at my gazoobies, they are beautiful...but don't look, I am not a sex object? It's caused an uproar in feminist world and women from many countries are trying to retrieve their charred bras from the embers. I am no prude.. but a well known red top newspaper, had me turning to page 4 in case anyone saw me lingering a second too long on page 3!!! But even they have covered their models charms up now. Don't get me wrong...I love breasts...I find them fascinating...but these days, they should come with a warning sign....Stare if you Dare.!! Yep, sex is complicated and it would take many juggernauts to carry the instruction book.

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