Wednesday 27 July 2016

Ooom pah?

My fellow musos. Please take a look at this photo. To non  musicians, it's just another picture of another band. To us it tells a story. This is Jack White  and his band circa 1940s. What do I see. A very smartly dressed 10 piece plus conductor. A central  microphone. A live broadcast for the BBC. A very thin bass drum. But most of all..I love the brass players using their cases as mute stands. I played my dad a few tracks of the Risley big band. I was awesomyfied  at the great sound. All recorded on a small digital recorder. But we still could not beat the tightness of Jack's band..once again live. The standard musicianship was phenomenal. We get the occasional star in sections today, who make it sound so easy. But the complex arrangements  played live by Mr whites band..blew me away. Felix Mayerhoffer would have known the discipline of musicians in them days. Some of us are just scratching  the surface...but I am still proud to be a musician.

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