Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Pier point

Well now that Brexit is well underway, I wonder if we had a referendum on bringing back capital punishment...how the vote would swing. To be honest, I would vote a firm yes. I don't think hanging has a place in this modern age. Albeit quick.. Its still quite gross. In 1832, there were over 200 crimes that were punishable by death??? Five years later ..only 5!. In 1861..only murder prompted the judge to don his black cap and utter the final words. Hung by the kneck until dead... No...the life extinction penalty should only be for un-doubtable murder...any doubt ..then life imprisonment.... A chance to fight. Pierrepoint never thought capital punishment was a deferent...but we have evolved more since the 1800s...its worth gambling that now.. It would make the bad guys... And gals think .