Sunday 10 July 2016


Sorry folks. But today's blog contains the 'C' word. I know most of you don't use it and find it offensive....but it has to be used today.
CONSIDERATION....there ..i shouted it. Every day i meet someone who has never heard of this simple but important word. Be it in shops, cafe's, walking, swimming but most of all ...driving. The photo, shows a magnificent display of limos. Put  a Hearse at the front with coffin and you have a head turning sight. All lights on all vehicles... Can't failed to be seen to what it is. That is, if your a motorcyclist and pillion passenger , who decides to cut in between the cortege and stay there for two miles. Now i can quite proudly say, that i have never let anyone cut in front of me. But what went through these morons heads as they joined us, on someone's final journey. ???? So the C word needs to be used more. C hmm now what else starts with C....Coffee!!!!!