Monday, 11 July 2016

The street

There is a great story line in corrie at the moment. Its focused on bullying. I think quite alot. I don't sleep well, so have more time to think. When  I do sleep,  I dream. The dreams are always the same. The Army. Or my last place of work. The theme is always the same...escape. I was bullied at school. At one point so severe , that I was stabbed in the back with a compass ( the one with a point and pencil holder). I still remember the guys name but wont publish here. It went on for years, until one day I was on the same bus as him and his mum got on. She proceeded to hug and kiss him and call him my little fluffy angel. He looked at me with defeat in his eyes and I knew the bullying was over. The Army was the same...again no names... But one guy resorted to mental bullying to hide his infidelity and affairs. We all knew. I was bullied by a slamming door campaign when I got my first promotion. Some didn't think I deserved it...I didn't think i deserved it...but they made life hell and my sleep started to suffer. I was bullied as an apprentice... They called it initiation in them days, which involved having your testicles greased and much worse. At work I was bullied by a person who knew they were weak and incapable of doing the job. It was at this point in life I said 'enough' and faced the coward and gave back the truth. They never spoke for two weeks and I knew I had hurt them. I left that job , but still with scars on my soul. Only a few months ago a mature lady came to me for advice. She was being bullied by another female member of staff. There are three ways you can keep your sanity. 1. You take it ,as what don't kill you, will make you stronger. 2. You fight back..not always possible, especially in HMF. 3. You walk away. She opted for number 3 and the difference in her is amazing. There is no shame in self preservation... Although  I always use number 2 rule now and will not tolerate any form of injustice. Lives are lost through bullying. Lives are changed forever with associated medical problems like agoraphobia , Insomnia, Eating disorders and alcohol abuse. Bullies will live amongst us forever....but you can beat may take time...but you will win. My dreams may continue for years...but even in them , I win now.

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