Thursday 1 September 2016


Blinded by the light,
revved up like a deuce,
another runner in the night

Nope, all these years and I still have no idea what the lyrics mean? I do know however, that when I hear the song takes me straight back to basic training. Including tastes and smells. The taste of a compo breakfast eaten out of a mess tin in the middle of a pine wood in winter. The smells of boot and floor polish...hours spent buffering floors and spit polish and heated spoon to get the boots shiny enough to see face in....or they would be launched out of a top floor a crazed intake sergeant....the bed blocks, squared to perfection...absolutely  pointless ..but a necessary part of gaining pride and discipline. The smell of the oil on an smg. The smell of the locker and pristine layout for inspection. One song can do all that? Yes it can...and much more. Isn't music wonderful.

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