Sunday 18 September 2016

In the toilet

Elton John is coming to Derby next year....well rock my crocodile and blow my candle out. At £80 + a ticket and no less than 16000 seats to be sold...I figure he wouldn't do for 'experience ' or oooh we haven't got a big budget. Fact is, most of the audience, will be so far away, that they will have to watch him on a screen.. so why not stay at home?? Have a take away? 80 smakeroons can buy a lot of kebabs? Well tonight...we are playing for we have every Sunday for last 21 years. Using petrol and buying beer. It costs us to it does most musicians in the real world. Tonight I dedicate my solo to Felix.. my sole reader of meanderings...which reminds me. I went to watch Miranda at Nottingham arena. £46...and yes spent the whole evening watching a screen, whilst this small dot on a stage miles away..told jokes. In fact it could have been anyone? Maybe she was at home with her feet up. The front rows were only for the partially sighted? And it was recorded?? Makes yer think...

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