Wednesday 7 September 2016

Rabbits in headlights

I feel I have been in the music industry long enough now, to categories certain type of instrumentalists.
With reeds it's 'Where are we?
Trumpets it's ' What time we on?'
Trombone ' Where's the bar? ' let me give you an example. No names mentioned. Recently we did a gig, where the organiser wanted a brand new visual opening. I used Woodchoppers Ball and using the medium of e mail...and numerous verbal instructions...explained it this way. The rhythm section, would already be on stage. On introduction they would start vamping wood. Then the saxs go on, sit down and join rhythm. Once they start the trumpets go on...and join in. Followed by trombones. When all in place...continue on from letter B on direction from named player. Easy? Nah. Rhythm go problem. Saxs go on as rhythm start playing and join in. At this point I look round from my pint at the bar. The flipping trumpets had gone on with saxs and we're looking each other, saying what we doing!!!! So we leg it from the stage. But to late. The named instrument who is bringing us in at B...seeing the trumpets...think we are on...and counts into continuation phrase. We are still feet from stage...but I still manage to leap on stage casting aspersions at the horns....Your honour...I rest my Trombone case.

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