Wednesday 8 February 2017


When I was young, I had such a massive inferiority complex, that even someone walking towards me on the pavement, would have me writhing in anxiety. So much so, that when we actually crossed paths, I would be a nervous wreck. This went on for years. But at no time, did I consider any surgical procedure to alter my perception of how ugly I was. Unlike the girl in the news today. She paid for this absolutely ridiculous lip filler...the trout pout look? Thing is, it went wrong and she looked like someone had stitched two large savaloys to her mouth!. Good...mess about with your body like that at your own peril. Nose rings, lip rings eye brow piercings!!   Hair painted in lots of fluorescent colours, looking like an accident in a paint factory.What is the message that they are trying to send out?? Be afraid, be very afraid.

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