Saturday 31 December 2016

Incredible Hulk

Doing much more bonding with my dad, since his partner died. Unfortunately me and her did not bond quite so well and I get on with most people. I now call every night and visit as much as I can. Yesterday we had coffee, and he gave me a massive wedge of chrimbo cake wrapped in silver foil to take home. While I was there, I had an emergency call from work and had to dash home to change into blacks. I missed lunch, so prepared myself a curry special when I got home, pretending to be a bomb disposal expert by stopping the microwave at the last second...before it dinged! Still hungry, I remember the iced fruity treat in the depths of my fridge. Wading through the 45 bottles of chilled San Miguel...I cut myself a massive wedge and wolfed it down. To be wasn't the best cake I had eaten , with slightly strange aftertaste. An hour later, my dad rings. Have you tried that cake yet, he asks. Yes, but not keen, I replied, but will finish it off tomorrow. For god sake don't he's green and mouldy underneath!!!. Thanks Dad and happy New year.

Friday 30 December 2016

Red mist

8000 motorists, over 5 years...have been caught drink driving? What's more frightening, I got called into work today...a real foggy day. Visibility really poor...and still motorists driving with no lights on!!!. I can't work out if it's laziness or shear stupidity??? My new years more proactive in berating moronic drivers. .I hear the food in A and E is splendid.

Thursday 29 December 2016

Shake rattle and roll

Managed to get 4 hours sleep...before my lower back started singing me a tune. Absolutely no position would relieve it.....ironically the radio alarm came on playing...I just don't know what to do with myself. Bloody right. So having a late funeral to attend...I washed and shaved and sat on sofa for 3 hours...finally finding a position that was comfy. Blessed relief...but not sure for how long. Watch this space.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

I'll be back

I went to bed last night feeling exhausted. The Xmas festivities no doubt catching up with me. I fell into a deep sleep...but woke at 7 with toothache like pain radiating down lower back into legs. I couldn't lay in one position to relieve the pain. I figure it's that wonderful thing called sciatica?  After an hour of trying every position known to man to get comfy...I rose...showered...and jumped on my bike to try and work the pain off. I figure at my age, that things will start deteriorating...and I accept this with cynical humour. But back pain is awful. I can't wait to see what tonight brings. I have a memory foam mattress...I hope it forgets last night!!

Tuesday 27 December 2016

My Arse

With only 4 days left..I am wondering how many more celebrities will leave this crazy planet? My favourite comedy has lost 2 of its precious characters this year and will never be remade. I actually wrote to Liz Smith in her nursing home a few years ago. I told her how much she was loved. Sadly I never received a reply...but I hope she read it and it made her happy. A horrible year for people I know that have passed be it friends or on the screen. Star wars Carrie Fisher the same age as me and she passed today? You have to make the most of every second of every day and treasure the time you have.

Monday 26 December 2016

Yawn free

Boxing day....which predictive phone text...changes to boring day? In my case, not so. Back to practice for the new season. I actually called into a supermarket today...fascinated to see if it was packed out with wasn't. The check out girl said...that some workers sent home, as not enough customers!!! Good. Maybe we can get Xmas holidays back as to how they should be...All family together. Gluttony is a terrible thing these days. Old Glenn"s almanac predicts empty shops over festive season in 10 years time. Everything ...Will be on line....They call it progress?

Sunday 25 December 2016

Home alone

An unusual chrimbo day for me. Woke and drove to work. Picked up a limo...and set off to pick up 7 people for a free Xmas dinner. When I saw it was 7...I wondered if they all would be dwarves!!! But no...only one grumpy person in!!!. Unfortunately a few of the old lonely folk, were too poorly to come. One chap, we were really worried I rang his daughter...and then found a local shop that was open and bought him bread and milk. One lady we picked up...suddenly screamed...I didn't think my face that bad...but she thought her purse had hadn't....twas in her hand? Arriving at venue...I was put on serving duty...and dished out...soup...full Xmas dinner...Xmas pudding...mince pies and coffee...all whilst dog sitting. All people that were on own over Xmas...won a raffle prize...and had a goody bag with food to take home. All this was provided by my wonderful employers.  Sad to see so many old folk alone at Xmas. But at least 50 people had a warm and loving Xmas. I even got a free Xmas dinner gallons of coffee. A truly merry Xmas.

Saturday 24 December 2016

Cold turkey

Doing a bit of taxi work Chrimbo day....hope it's better than when I did meals on wheels. My sense of direction atrocious....most pensioners got their lunch at midnight....??? They never asked me again..Merry Xmas to my 2 know who you are..and fellow bloggers around the world.x

Friday 23 December 2016


Up at 5.30 am!!!!!!! To do a's Xmas...and working up to the wire. But managed to source coffee, so all is well.

Thursday 22 December 2016

We all fall down

I have always been open about my life. I do this to let people gain a better understanding of anxiety and depression. I am 200 times better now, than when I left the Army. But approaching Christmas can make me go a bit wobbly. Because I leap around all year trying to make people smile...doesn't mean, that I am not allowed quiet moments. Even with hints dropped and repeated ' are you ok ' some do not understand , that I am in 'me time'. Those in the Army know my phobia about colds.'s weird that I want to stay well. I rarely get colds...but when I do..they are massive. When people who have a's only a sniffle...doesn't mean, that the next person who gets it...Will be as lucky. I duck and dive...and appreciate life doesn't stop..that you have to work. But there are basic things like, putting your hand over mouth when coughing...or blowing nose and not leaving your snot filled hanky for the waitress to pick up in neroes. ...yep getting a cold is easy...avoiding them and not wanting to be poorly over chrimbo isn't. I certainly would not visit my old dad if I had a cold...and would be reluctant to spread it at parties....but that's me...and I won't change...that's me...that's who I am. But to try and make people nigh on impossible. Mucus Christmas everyone.

Wednesday 21 December 2016


A strange night last night. Playing my last concert of 2016, I seem to have picked up some young groupies. They wanted a photo with me...and chanted my name as I left the venue. I have no idea why..? To be honest it was a little scary. Don't suppose I will ever experience it again? Don't think I want to!!!!. But no rest yet, as funeral world gets only a couple of days off, until it all starts again. God rest ye merry gentlemen.. 

Tuesday 20 December 2016


I feel like death warmed up today. Reading a book about motley crue...drugs alcohol and other dubious things every night and day and they played on. Me. 3 gigs in 2 days.. 2 pints and I am shattered? The walking dead is a great description. However.. I now know the coffin I want when I drop my bone for final time. Saw it a few days ago...and my FD of choice knows about it. Awesome...although not in any hurry to try it out. The lads thought it would be funny to have the comedy trombone piece played as they lower ...then bring me up again. I agree...although I am not going for the unsmoked option. Merry Xmas

Monday 19 December 2016

The pits

I sometimes wonder if it's me. Running a prize competition at the local dance, I asked what is the combined age of Keith Richards from the rolling stones...and the film star Brad Pitt. The prize...a scratch card with chance of winning 9k. Over the 2 hour one got it right. So I gave a clue. The answer is between 125 and 127. 5 minutes later I got a gentleman up...asked him the question and he answered...........127!!!! I give in. The picture? This is someone's back cool to have a graveyard in it. Twas an old convent originally. A musician I know did a photo shoot there for a heavy metal band poster. Cool.

Sunday 18 December 2016

4 calling birds

Countdown to Xmas. 4 gigs to go. 2 today. Work has got manic...lots of early starts. So you get to Xmas...and all you want to do is sleep.I have played silent night umpteen when Carol singers come round I hide behind my new sofa. Everyone is coughing and sneezing...trying to give their germs to the well so they will be poorly Xmas day. Presents opened and dumped in a few hours. Receipts sought to take back that thoughtful gift on boxing day. Family rows. Indigestion. Hang overs. Oh joy to the world .

Saturday 17 December 2016

Giddy up

Only a few things to get for my dad for Xmas now...although I should get him a joke he keeps pinching mine. On my bike down the river cycle path...2 horseriders  coming towards me. I shouted..good morning the first rider broke into fits of laughter and nearly fell off....I realised the rider behind was her husband? Well side saddle? I ask you?

Friday 16 December 2016

Once a year

First rule of the Army...never volunteer for anything. So why did I stick my hand up to front the Brass Band last night??? Especially as there was no microphone...and I had to holler my jokes over a pub full of people, who became more appreciative as the ale flowed. One advantage of being a seasoned the break...I went into the other bar...and scrounged a free coffee...whilst in the lounge, the rest of the band had to pay mwaaah. Being a pub...I could delve...into my chest of risque's that long since I told any...I couldn't remember any? But my highlight...the tightest member of the band...had to get his wallet out...oh joyous Noel.

Thursday 15 December 2016


So tonight, I enter the wonderful world of brass banding again. It's winter. It's a pub. I asked if we are playing the warm. Yes I was told...hmmm unusual for tbrass tband....then text this morning....bring warm clothing ...we might be outside...? My other pet hate. When your asked by band much do we owe you? It's embarrassing. Just put it in my hand...whatever it is. A few months ago...the band leader asked much do we owe you....just give me what you normally pay. Hand his pocket...he replied...well we don't usually pay anything....I rest my trombone case.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Audio Murphy

It was like another shoot out at the ok Coral last night. The trombone always follows the trumpet in jazz solos. As the last super f from the trumpet died away, I stood to try and get somewhere near his outstanding improvisation. Starting on my favourite note ( matter what key we are in) I launched into my Janet and John jazz. A bar in...I became aware of another musician playing in my jazz bit. The alto sax had stood at the wrong time...and now it was a case...of who would back down. Like dueling banjos....we got louder and louder...none giving ground. However, I have another use for 7th I poked him in the eye with the end of my slide....he slumped to the ground...mortally offended. I finished my solo...blew the smoke from the bell....and sat down to rupturous applause...and road off into the bar.....yee haw..

Tuesday 13 December 2016

The Summer Wind

Stuck for what to have for tea tonight before band. I just fancied beans...but I have some sprouts just on the turn. So I have made bean surprise....well it will be for the trombone section tonight. SBD....mwaaah I am so easily amused.

Monday 12 December 2016


Out in the middle of nowhere on a Greek funeral. Not a cafe in sight....but I can sense a brew from a mile away. I have even been known to knock on complete strangers doors and beg....but not today. A lovely lady in the church hall has made us mince pies and coffee. Life's ok.

Sunday 11 December 2016


My first roast dinner in ...a year? Works Xmas party. Great company and food. The best beef I have ever tasted. Tired though. Fronted the Band last night and it took a while to warm the audience....but I think we got there. I am now drying out all my music after knocking a pint of water over it last night.  Most of the notes have run down a semi tone...could be interesting tonight?

Saturday 10 December 2016


I have been blogging for numerous years now. In fact, I have 4 books full of my drivel. I like to try and make people smile...but also I like to keep people educated about mental health problems, including my own battles. I hate the word ' mental' it stereotypes 'people into thinking your an axe murderer...waiting your moment to jump off beachy head after committing mass murder? in a million may be like that...but the majority are normal people, struggling with inner thoughts that they can't comprehend or even focus as to what they are or what they mean and where they come from . Christmas is an awful time for some folk. I myself am fighting at this time. But I am getting stronger, as it is usually 8 weeks before Xmas I start to feel the dreaded dogs. What does it feel like. Sadness, inferiority, self doubts, fear, insomnia, lack of appetite and hopeless...all rolled into one magic bundle. I am aware of all the signs now and ride with them. Many can't....many fall. So I am asking you all try and understand if someone you know, is a little quieter than normal, this festive season. Believe me. They are fighting to be happy....fighting not to let you down...fighting to be normal. No sympathy required. Just understand x

Friday 9 December 2016

I can't bier it

18 years in the funeral business and today is a first. We are going back to the old days. The coffin is being transported on an old fashioned bier. It's how they were all done in the olden days and fascinating to see. To be honest it's the first time I have been on the bier in 2 weeks as I go tea total until the big Xmas concert I am fronting, is out the way. Very hard when you have a fridge full of San Miguel...but what will power.

Thursday 8 December 2016

I'm free

At a loose end today so set myself a challenge. To park for free. To drink coffee for free. To have lunch for free. So drove to Ashby. Parked a mile away from centre. Walked in. Used loyalty card for coffee. Next is free lunch at subway...using....loyalty card. My musician friend Ted Webster ..the Zen master of the wallet, has taught me well.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Old comrades

Trying to get over the letter I received yesterday, inferring I am now elderly and in the event of a winter power cut ,eligible for a St Bernard and barrel of brandy to be sent round to my house. But the fact a few years time, I could in theory, move to London and live in the Chelsea Pensioners barracks? Which reminded me of when the 9th/12th royal lancers, put on a concert for the old soldiers at Chelsea barracks. Invited back after the concert by the RSM...a man to be avoided and feared at all the regimental bar for a drink. I spotted a fruit machine in corner...and put my money in ...on one pull...I won the jackpot...result. Only I felt 2 piercing eyes and hot breath at back of my head. Turning to be face to face with the RSM!!!! Now than lad...your not thinking of putting all that money in your pocket...after all these poor pensioners have filled the machine trying to win a bit of extra spending money are you? This was said with a steely glare and something resembling a bull dog hit with a bat look on his face. No sir I stuttered....I was going to buy everyone a drink sir. Correct answer son...Correct answer...and off he marched back to the bar...pointing back saying out loud...the drinks are  on the little trembling corporal in the corner. Irony cost 10 pounds more than I all the pensioners ordered doubles!!! Moral to this story...never mess around with the RSM in the mess...or you end up in a mess.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Freeze a jolly good fellow

Oh joyous Noel. In post this morning 1 Xmas card....and a letter from western power saying that someone at my property was needing priority assistance during a power cut!!@ I searched the house...and presumed it is my gecko Angel? But I have reached fifty's me. Bloody cheek. I am an undertaker ..I am always cold...but oh assistance there feeling totally ancient I took myself off in car...and treated myself to a fry up. Assistance indeed pah

Monday 5 December 2016

Pain in the ****

Everyone that knows me, is aware of my feelings for drivers who use mobile phones while driving. I use a blue tooth eat piece. Only ...I keep losing them. I lost 2 in the last month. Well they are small. Just received my 3rd in the post today. Set it up. Put my works jacket on...and yelped with pain as I sat on something rather uncomfy ....small and uncomfy. 3 things small and uncomfy. In the bottom of the lining of my jacket....lay....2 earpieces and a pen. All had congregated in one place....and that place was in direct line of my bum. The smallest hole in jacket pocket, had allowed these items to make their escape...and bide their time give me a reminder...not to be too hasty....

Sunday 4 December 2016

A useful note

I am still gritting my teeth to this countries attitude and lack of back bone. Vegetarians and other cultures moaning about a trace of meat derivatives in the New £5 note. Well I have been unfortunate to witness people's toilet habits... as not many wash their hands after ones or two's. So the fact is...whatever they touch...and you touch after...Will have some form of meat content on it. In fact in a days shopping, you may have enough to make a big Mac and fries...or any other meaty fast food delight...on your hands. Bloody ridiculous. But in praise of the new note....I have 2 great uses. Folded numerous makes a great ice scraper for your car. Caught short and no toilet paper....remember Izal  . Same thing.. but you can wash it after and then spend it.. in a vegetarian cafe.......

Saturday 3 December 2016

Good tidings we bring

Lovely day for a bike ride and a visit to my dad's. He has a neighbour who is starting with dementia. He keeps his eye on her and any morning the curtains not opened, he goes and checks on her. She is starting to have falls and he is well aware, that one day he may go round and it may be a sad story. Which leads me onto the point.....that in this cold weather, we should keep our eyes opened for anyone living alone and vulnerable. Not like my 98 year old neighbour at number 48 though. Jeez he has not taken his milk in for 2 weeks. Lazy git.

Friday 2 December 2016

Stay off the moors

I pride myself, that I can sniff out coffee at half a mile. Today's funeral in an area of Nottingham I have never been. I asked a Chinese lady with 2 children where I could buy a coffee??? No coffee shops round here she says. The little Chinese girl started to talk to me. She showed me her play dough. I asked if she was looking forward to Santa coming. She looked puzzled and replied.. mummy buys the presents !!. I then found a shopping centre. I asked numerous people if there was a cafe...a pub...but don't go in dressed like's rough. Do they sell coffee I asked. Yes...but don't go in. So here I am Sat in the Slaughtered pensioner...having a 50p mug of coffee. In fact best I have had for ages. Getting some funny looks...but just smiling back at everyone. Life's exciting.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Two overweight ladies

A strange 24 hours. Yesterday was told that my wrist may drop off in a couple of years ( I knew I should have listened to the older kids at school...they warned me about losing eye sight and hair falling out as well)...just leaving the house this morning, when I was told the sad news that one of my neighbours had died...what's happening this year?? The only lighter moment....visiting my old dad, who is 88 today. He still thinks he is 48...and doing a bloody good job of convincing people he is. We did some reminiscing...something we couldn't have done if his partner was still with us. Really catching up on lost time now...long overdue.

Wednesday 30 November 2016


An early burial today. Coldest I have known it for a long time. I may have to dig out my long John's soon. Shiver me timbers...and other things.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Jurassic poke

I have to feed my gecko Angel, live food twice a week. I don't enjoy choosing which wood lice to pass death sentence on...but it has to be done. I wasn't aware how big they grow. Last night, this humoungous beast dropped from container into feeding pot. I say dropped, I am sure he had a parachute. Could have sworn it looked at me with an evil stare. Got up this morning and even Angel had dared not take him on. If he is still there, I will release into the wild. Although I would then expect a knock on the door. Well there is a nasty bug going around?

Monday 28 November 2016

Double jeopardy

The driver I followed this morning, must have been on the same driver awareness course as me. Driving just under the speed limit, I was labouring in 3rd. Resisting the urge to overtake, I stayed patiently behind. And thank goodness. 2 mobile speed cameras in the space of half a mile!!!. I can almost guarantee someone will get 6 points today. They will have gone through 1st trap...cursed themselves and lost complete concentration and would be zapped at the next trap. Pretty sure I would have been ok without the slow driver in front.....but you never know ?? It would have been an expensive lunch.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Jelly Fish

I have heard of counterfeit money. Even counterfeit clothing, some of which I unintentionally bought whilst on tour in Cyprus.But counterfeit food!!!!. Last night I treated myself to a Chinese Take away. I love to try new I ordered Crispy Seaweed to compliment my English chicken and chips. Really enjoyed it and immediately felt sorry for the poor little seaweed farmer who had to trawl the beaches to put this tasty treat on my plate...or polystyrene container, as was the case. After the meal, I decided to research what exotic seaside country the ocean vegetable was sourced's bloody cabbage??? Never seen the coast in its life...never wrapped itself round an unsuspecting paddlers ankles? Bloody cabbage. That's like being told...that your lobster thermostat is chicken...your crispy corn beef?? Next they will be telling me, that prawns....what a con.

Saturday 26 November 2016

National grid

Yesterday's funeral was 10 hours from start to finish. Caribbean funerals are always 4 to 5 hours long as they really celebrate the life of the person. Lots of singing and a live group on stage. I watched the bass guitar player avidly as the pianist shouted the progressive chart over to him. The funeral ran on time...but there is a catch to everything. Black Friday meant more than a shopping frenzy. Driving conditions were treacherous with a low Sun dazzling everyone. The concentration it takes to drive 4 feet from the limo in front whilst negotiating a busy city, is draining. After it was all over...I just needed to get home. But no...some motorists had not been so careful...and accidents on most routes caused massive tail backs. I should have been home at 4...but at 6pm I was still trying to find a route home. My stress levels were at boiling point...but managed not to at least I have learned something. One car had caused all the chaos...running into the back of another vehicle. Strange, as the sun was behind them. It takes ages to.recover a vehicle these days. Gosh even I dragged myself injured, from middle of the road, so as not to hold up traffic. My thoughts were with anyone who had called an ambulance though.. they had zero chance of getting through.Black Friday...more Red really.

Friday 25 November 2016


Surreal life. Yesterday playing for Xmas shoppers. Today a hearse and 4 limos on a Jamaican funeral. Total lack of respect from some motorists today though. I always like to be rear gunner i.e. last vehicle. Its more of a challenge...especially going through lights. Someone tried to force their way in between mine and 3rd limo...they failed miserably. Don't mess with the Martin's.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Judy Garland

So today I am playing with a brass band for the Xmas light switch on in Nottingham. The traffic is going to be that horrendous, that we are all meeting at a Tram stop, and commuting in that way. I have skeletonised my kit down to 1. Trombone. 2. Stand. 3 pegs. But will be dressed as Scot of the Antarctic as I put the freezing piece of metal to my lips. Only down to do one spot...but an act has dropped out...and we are covering...wonder why. I am fascinated to see how the drummer manages on the Tram?

Wednesday 23 November 2016


I have to admit, that I am more of a dog lover than a cat lover After all, I have spent a fortune trying to keep them off my prize lawn. However, a friend of mine told me about a new cafe that's in derby. It's called lady T's. You have to ring a bell to enter. Then go through a close door open door ceremony to get in. The reason? The cafe is full of moggies. They are everywhere. In fact the only seat left...had a Felix snoozing and I felt awful moving him her...In fact,  It's now sat staring at me with pure I slurp my black nectar. Strange contradiction...the cafe is full of stuffed animals..and I don't mean full of food. Deer...badger, Rat....a dead mermaid and a unicorn? There are a lot of twee ladies in here cooing and awwwwing..and the cats, of which I have counted 8 are wandering amongst our sandwiches and cakes...I have resisted trying the chocolate brownie surprise though. Quaint..and worth a visit from my fellow derbaryians. I actually love this place..and will return. It's hygienic no matter what your thoughts may be...and surprisingly relaxing. I may have found my new home.

Tuesday 22 November 2016


I visited a Weatherspoons this week. Was extremely impressed by the choice of food and the quantity for the price. What really swung it though, was unlimited free refills on coffee. Although they frowned when I tried to fill up my 4 litre flask. Amazed though, at the amount of people consuming alcohol in the day. I don't mean just a cheeky pint, but wine by the bottle and numerous pints. Me personally, I would be fast asleep for the rest of the day? They had San Miguel on draught ..not even tempted. Only daytime drinking I did, was in Germany and that was because the schutzenfest chaps insisted. Earliest was schnapps and raw steak at 6 am...followed by a full day of music and marching....with a beer at every stop. It's a wonder I made it out alive.

Monday 21 November 2016


On the 28th of October, I had to have a heart monitor strapped to my chest for a week...or until the device was full of data. Every time I swallowed my heart would do a little jig. I returned the monitor in 2 days...full to the brim of unusual flutters. Every day from then, I have been watching the post with some anxiety....3 weeks on...and nothing. So I ring the hospital, who sent the results to doctor on 4th November!!!!!. Turns out...he would like to see me. Fact is...if I hadn't chased this would I have known. He is 95 % sure all is ok...however 5 % can seem an awful lot when worried. I have also dropped my 3 monthly e mail to my solicitor...asking if any progress on my hit and reply. How does this country survive? I think everyone should do 2 years in the army before taking civilian employment.  Not impressed......we are screwed.

Sunday 20 November 2016


I watched a program, about the world famous auction house Christies last night. The night before, it was Children in Need, where your average hard working family, dug deep into their savings to donate. Whilst back at the auction..a bidding war was taking place..over a truly horrendous painting. The lot sold for 50 million!!!!. This planet we live on is truly awful. If their is a god...I hope he enforces the lesson on Gluttony.

Saturday 19 November 2016


I realised this morning...that I am turning into my dad...but role reversal. I was advising him on things .. that he would have guided me on as a teenager. One was heating over winter. He keeps switching his timer off and wonders why the thermostat throwing a wobbly. But more importantly...leaving his car keys near the door. I told him, that all it a scrote with a metal coat hangar.. and his pride and joy has gone. He then told me the story of married couple. He gets up and leaves the house in the morning. 20 minutes later the wife rises. This particular morning she couldn't find her mobile phone. She rings hubby. It's probably in handbag.....I can't find that either....then you left it in car.  She goes outside... car. Someone had watched their routine...and took advantage of those 20 short minutes. This was last still not found. The only thing I cold callers...I had one last week. It was my Gran asking if I could borrow her a fiver for her electric meter......

Friday 18 November 2016

Tyred out

Poor chap in a wheelchair, got a flat tyre today. Not on his wheelchair, but motobility car. Of course, progress means that there was no spare wheel. We could have changed it for him if he had one...and our reassurance , that it was only flat on the bottom...didn't pacify him. So we called the RAC....It was I wheeled him back to the church...then rushed outside to do the burial...then straight to the Limo awful thought is...what if he is still.there!!! Everyone went to the wake...including the vicar...ooops

Thursday 17 November 2016

I'm Board

I always looking for Festive Scenes in and around Derbyshire. I hope one day, to publish my own inspirational Chrimbo scenes I spot on my walks. This scene..brings all the beauty of the festive season to life don't you think? I would have spent longer on the photographic composition...but I was pressed for time. I dedicate this photo to my old mate Ted Webster...who can't wait for the sound of jingle bells and Carol singers, just so he can show them his wallet, through his window...and mouth the words ' 2 hope's Bob and No. Oh the warmth of the season.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Hi bloody ho

I woke up feeling grumpy this morning.. but she wasn't up for it. Looking at my BBC weather app, it said fine and dry. So I jumped on my bike and cycled to my dads...returning 2 minutes later to put some clothes on. Half way there, the heavens opened and I was soaked. So I decided to bike back...get my car and do a 2 mile walk. My BBC app didn't tell me I would run into an accident and get stuck for 30 minutes. Of course it's now glorious Sun shine and I could have continued on my bike..drying out on the way. I figure I am a fair weather trainer now.I am not having a good day.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Goodness Gracious Me

It's nearly 3 weeks now, since I had a monitor strapped to my chest to work out, why every time I heart did a somersault. Now, I have every praise for the NHS...but think the letters may stand for No Hurry Service. I expected to find a letter on my doorstep every day...marked to your nearest defibrillator outlet immediately...but as yet...nothing. Of course, I could look on the positive..and assume...I am fitter than a butcher's dog? But I always err on caution...and anything a bonus. I have no real faith in the system anymore. To walk into the doctors waiting room and be the only English person there is scary...and reading through the multiple language signs to occupy the time that the doctor is running making me despair. So my fate lays in an overstretched medical system...but then do the majority of people I carry on my shoulder at work. It's sad.